i’ll likely get flack for this.

I love automations. I have them set up for new client outreach, for marketing, for my house air-fresheners, and beyond. They make life real smooth.

But there is a time and place for automations.

Nothing turns me off more than when someone sends me their calendar booking link.

I’m not talking about scheduling a vet appointment, a Task Rabbit, or an out-of-the-box digital service (ie: FB ads manager expert), I’m talking about a potential client who you aim to have a long-term biz relationship with. A significant investment is likely to be made.

To me, grazing over this highly simple and personal step is a missed opportunity. That manual step might be old-fashioned to some, but it’s that super small real connection, that supports a growing relationship.

So while you’re saving all those extra seconds/minutes/hours with automations made of pure gold, be sure to save some time for real moments of service. Both ends deserve it.

To being human!


it starts with us.


start owning it.