(no subject)

[👆that subject line is intentional. The below Golden Nugget was sent via email — get them by staying in the loop!]


You’re now in the loop with one of my favorite communication tactics. 🤓

Anytime I find myself stuck in a 1-sided communication vacuum, I’ll go ahead create a new message with “no subject” (literally, blank).

The message inside is something along the lines of this:

Hi [insert name],

I haven’t heard back from you regarding [insert thing you were discussing]. I’m thinking [said thing above] isn’t a priority at the moment – and I surely don’t want to hit the pain-in-the-butt threshold. Please contact me if I can help you in the future.

Thank you,

Why no subject? Because no one does it. 😆 It stands out in your inbox.

Why a fresh thread? Because it takes out the previous check ins. It eliminates the guilt that they have not responded.

Why this tone of message? It’s a bit silly mentioning you don’t want to be a pain-in-the-butt. Then it packs a punch implying you won’t be reaching out again.

What’s the result? 9 times out of 10, I get a response. 💥

  • If it’s a “no,” great – no & next is my favorite! No need to waste anyone’s time.

  • If it’s a “yes” it’s usually because they got busy and we can pick back up or we can set a date to reconvene in the future.

That’s it!

What’s your go-to move when stuck in a communication vacuum? I’d love to hear it. 💡

And if you try the “no subject” move, let me know how it worked out for you.

Here’s to efficiency!


“no” is a long term game.


smacked agency syndrome.